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What To Do If You Do Not Hear Back From The Insurance Company


If your property has sustained damage, you may know that you have the right to file a claim with your insurance company. Your insurance company has a legal obligation to respond to your claim within 14 days, and they must generally conduct an investigation within 90 days. If this time has passed and you have not heard back from your insurer, it can be incredibly frustrating. You may think there is nothing you can do in this situation but fortunately, that is not the case. Below, our Daytona Beach bad faith insurance claims lawyer outlines the steps to take.

Why Do Insurance Companies Fail to Respond? 

Filing a claim with your insurance company can be daunting, particularly if they have not yet responded to you. Sometimes, insurers do not respond simply because they are acting in bad faith. However, there are sometimes legitimate reasons insurers do not respond and they are as follows:

  • Waiting on more information: The insurance company may require additional information from you before they can move forward with your claim. For this reason, it is critical to respond to the insurer as quickly as possible any time they ask for information.
  • The investigation is ongoing: While insurers must usually conduct an investigation within 90 days of receiving your claim, there may be factors outside of their control that delay the investigation.
  • Pressure to settle: A common act of bad faith on the part of insurers is that they delay your claim so you become frustrated and give up, happy to receive anything from insurance. If you feel as though your insurer is ignoring you in an attempt to pressure you to settle, it is critical that you speak to an attorney.

What to Do if Your Insurance Company is Not Responding

Submitting a claim to your insurance company only to be ignored is a very stressful experience. A failure to respond is not always an act of bad faith and sometimes, insurers simply become busy and forget to contact you about your case. You should always contact the insurer after a few days to remind them that you have submitted a claim or sent a demand letter. Sometimes, this reminder is all insurance companies need to proceed.

If your insurance company still does not respond after you have reminded them of your claim, it is important to speak to a Daytona Beach bad faith insurance claims lawyer. The insurer may be trying to pressure you or unfairly deny or reduce your claim. They may also be in violation of the law if they have not responded in a timely manner. A lawyer will know how to identify these bad faith practices and the next steps to take.

Contact Our Bad Faith Insurance Claims Lawyer in Daytona Beach Today 

If you have submitted a claim and your insurer has not yet responded? At Bundza & Rodriguez, our Daytona Beach bad faith insurance claims lawyer can provide the sound legal advice you need. Call us now at 386-252-5170 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.



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