Daytona Beach Burn Injury Lawyers | Bundza & Rodriguez, P.A. Sat, 07 Nov 2020 13:45:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Burn Reconstruction Surgery Wed, 28 Nov 2018 17:24:28 +0000 Read More »]]> Minor burns will often heal on their own, perhaps leaving behind a faint scar. But deep burns that cover a large area of the body can leave permanent, unsightly scarring. Third-degree burns can also damage tissue deep under the skin, such as muscles and nerves. Even if the patient does not die, they will be permanently disfigured.

Doctors have many options for reconstructive surgery. In this article, we discuss some dimensions of reconstructive surgery that burn victims should consider.

The Goals of Reconstructive Surgery

Many people might imagine that the purpose of surgery is cosmetic, and this is certainly one reason for surgery. But surgery also is necessary to release skin contractures that limit a person’s range of movement. Often, the burned skin is opened before the surgeon closes the wound with a skin graft or skin rearrangement.

With surgery, a patient can regain their range of motion, which can help them remain independent and also improve their mood. In other words, reconstructive surgery offers tangible physical and mental benefits.

Facial Reconstruction

Burns to the face are some of the most emotionally devastating that a person can suffer. Unlike a burn on your leg, it is impossible to hide a facial burn, and many burn victims become depressed, anxious, and angry over their injuries. As a result, a doctor might recommend psychotherapy and/or prescribe antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications.

There are also many health complications a victim can suffer when their face is burned:

  • If a person cannot blink, then dry eyes can cause damage to the cornea.

  • Facial scars can make it harder to breathe, which can lead to complications such as a risk of pneumonia.

  • Trouble opening the mouth can interfere with eating and drinking, leading to weight loss.

  • Problems with lifting the head can make it hard for a person to get around without injuring themselves.

In some situations, a patient might qualify for a facial transplant. Only about 20 have been performed around the world, and there are strict requirements, such as the ability to take immunosuppressant drugs. However, as doctors become more experienced, the procedure should become available to more people.

Non-Surgical Options

Surgery is neither necessary nor desirable in all cases. In some situations, non-operative procedures will be effective at reintroducing a range of movement. Some alternative therapies include scar massage or topical therapies. To prevent scars from forming in the first place, you will probably wear compression garments over the burn, which will interfere with your body’s ability to create collagen.

With scar massage, the goal is to soften the scar and release adhesions in the scar bands. Generally, massage will begin once your skin graft has become durable enough to handle the pressure of the massage. Your therapist should begin lightly and increase the pressure on the scar as your wounds heal.

Contact Bundza & Rodriguez Today

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious burn injury, you need compensation to deal with the fallout. At Bundza & Rodriguez, we have helped countless clients get the money they need for reconstructive surgery and other care.

Reach out to us today. One of our Daytona Beach burn injury attorneys will be happy to meet with you, so call 386-252-5170.


What to Do After a Burn Injury Thu, 13 Sep 2018 10:00:20 +0000 Read More »]]> Burns can be deadly. According to the National Institute of Health, about 3,800 people die each year from burns, with about 300 deaths stemming from vehicle crashes.

Even if not fatal, many burns can cause pain and leave behind disfigurement or severe scarring. Unfortunately, the steps burn victims take after an accident often contribute to the severity of their injuries. Read on for more information about what you should—and should not—do after a burn injury.

Avoid Putting Butter on a Burn

One folk remedy for burns is to put butter on them. Actually, putting butter on a burn is one of the worst things you can do.

The key to treating a burn is to immediately cool down the skin. If the burn is bad, then it has gone through both layers of skin and affected the tissue underneath the skin. This tissue remains hot even if you manage to immediately cool the outer layer of skin.

Butter in particular can trap in heat—which will only lead to more damage to healthy body tissue. Leave the butter for your morning toast.

Cool a Burn with Water

The most efficient way to cool a burn is to use cool water. Avoid using cold water. You can also immerse the affected limb in cool water, which might be easiest if you were burned on the hands, feet, arms, or legs.

If no running water is available, then use a cool compress. For example, you can pour water into a piece of cloth and then press the cloth to the burn.

Remember to continue to cool a burn even if the outer layer feels cool. The affected deep tissue might remain hot.

Removed Burned Clothing Carefully

Often, a burn can melt clothing onto the skin. Tearing off clothing can peel the skin off the body, which you obviously want to avoid. Instead, remove clothing only if safe to do so. If parts of clothing are stuck to the body, then cut around them. Emergency personnel can work on removing clothing that has melted with the skin.

Call Emergency Services

You can treat a minor burn at home. If the burn is two inches or smaller, then you can apply a sterile bandage after cooling the burn. Take over-the-counter medications to manage pain.

Always watch for infection. If the area around the burn becomes reddish or painful, or if puss begins leaking from the burn, then go immediately to the doctor. Your doctor can give you antibiotics to treat any infection.

For burns that are larger than two inches (or burns that are very deep), you should call 9-1-1 and get to a hospital immediately. Serious burns can lead to amputations or require skin grafts, so it is best to get medical treatment as soon as possible.

Experienced Daytona Beach Burn Injury Lawyers

At Bundza & Rodriguez in Daytona Beach, we have represented many burn injury victims, and we appreciate how difficult it is to fully recover. We can hold the appropriate defendant responsible for your injuries by building a case for compensation.

To speak to one of our attorneys, please contact us today. We offer free, confidential initial consultations.

