Fire & Smoke | Bundza & Rodriguez, P.A. Fri, 06 Oct 2023 15:12:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Does Insurance Cover Dryer Fires? Thu, 05 Oct 2023 14:58:25 +0000 Read More »]]> Laundry is a chore that few people enjoy doing. However, laundry can go from a minor inconvenience to a real hazard. Laundry dryers are something we all use frequently but they can quickly cause a serious house fire to erupt. Many people are unaware of just how dangerous laundry dryers can be, but they can start a fire that quickly destroys many different parts of a home. Below, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyer outlines the danger of laundry dryers, and how you can claim the coverage you need.

Dryer Fires are Very Common 

Many people do not understand just how quickly something as simple, and as seemingly safe, as laundry dryers can cause a very serious situation. The truth is, though, approximately 92 percent of all home fires are caused by clothes dryers.

The main cause of dryer fires is that people do not empty the lint trap or the dryer vents. Cleaning the lint trap every time you use the clothes dryer can help keep the entire machine clean and remove the risk of fire. When a lint trap is not properly cleaned, the lint can become trapped in the dryer vents, causing a fire.

Washing machines can also catch fires like dryers. The difference is that when a washing machine fire starts, it usually has something to do with the actual machine. For example, defective wiring or another type of fault can start a washing machine fire, whereas dryer fires are far more preventable.

The cost of a dryer fire depends on exactly how much property was damaged as a result. For example, if a fire only affected a laundry room or the area directly surrounding the machines, the damage may cost as little as $2,000. However, when a fire affects even more of a home, the cost can quickly climb to $40,000.

Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Damage from Dryer Fires? 

If your home was damaged due to a dryer fire, you are likely eligible for homeowners insurance coverage. The majority of insurance policies include coverage for these types of events. Still, the insurance company is not going to want to pay the settlement you deserve. In fact, the insurance company may even argue that because you could have prevented the fire, you are ineligible.

It is important that you fight back against claims the insurance company makes in order to deny you the coverage you need. Even when accidents are preventable, there are still many times insurers are responsible for stepping in and providing coverage. If your home has been damaged by a dryer fire, you should speak to a property damage lawyer before talking to the insurance company.

Call Our Fire and Smoke Damage Lawyer in Daytona Beach for Help with Your Claim 

If you need insurance coverage after a dryer fire, or any other type of fire, you need sound legal advice. At Bundza & Rodriguez, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyer can provide it while negotiating with the insurer for the full and fair settlement you need. Call or text us now at 386-252-5170 or chat with us online to book a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.


Tips When Filing A Homeowners’ Fire Insurance Claim Wed, 30 Aug 2023 10:55:07 +0000 Read More »]]> Many people purchase fire insurance with the hope that they never have to use it. Unfortunately, fires do happen and in just a matter of a few seconds, they can cause an immense amount of damage. If your property has been damaged by fire, you can file a claim if you have purchased coverage and have regularly paid your premiums. Before filing a claim, there are some things you should know. Below, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyer explains what these are.

Notify Your Insurer Right Away 

You should first and foremost review your insurance policy to determine what coverage you have. If you need help understanding your policy, speak to a lawyer who can advise you on whether you are covered for the damage. Once you have reviewed your policy, contact your insurance company right away. If the fire destroyed the policy, you will have to ask your insurance company for another copy.

Document All Communication 

You may have to communicate with your insurance company on several different occasions after a fire. Each time you speak with them, document the date and time of the conversation, the name of the person you spoke to, their job title, and what was said. If possible, confirm all conversations with an email.

Do Not Agree to a Recorded Statement 

You are required to comply with any investigation or reasonable request from the insurance company. However, you are not required to provide them with a recorded statement. Florida is a ‘two-party consent state,’ which means that all parties involved in a conversation must consent to being recorded. Some companies try to get around this by using an automated message stating that all conversations may be recorded. Do not agree to this until you have spoken to a fire and smoke damage lawyer.

Document the Damage 

Of course, to obtain the full coverage you need, you will have to prove the exact nature and severity of any damage. Take pictures and video footage of any damage prior to making temporary repairs. You are also required to mitigate any damage so it does not become worse, but do not make any repairs until you have documented the original damage.

Do Not Sign Anything 

The insurance company may ask you to sign a release or a lowball settlement offer to avoid paying you the full coverage you deserve. Before signing anything, always have a fire and smoke damage lawyer review it to ensure you are not signing away your rights.

Call Our Fire and Smoke Damage Lawyer in Daytona Beach 

If your property has been damaged by fire and smoke, you have the right to the full and fair coverage you have been paying for over the years. At Bundza & Rodriguez, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyer can advise on the next steps to take so you obtain a fair settlement as quickly as possible. Call or text us now at 386-252-5170 or chat with us online to request a free consultation and to learn more.


How To Determine The Value Of Personal Property Damage After A House Fire Tue, 06 Jun 2023 10:27:20 +0000 Read More »]]> House fires are devastating events. A fire can destroy your home in just a matter of minutes. Even if the fire was contained to just one area of the home, you will still lose a lot of personal property. Fortunately, homeowners insurance can cover the personal belongings that are damaged or destroyed by fire. When filing a claim, however, you must be able to accurately value the damage of the property. Below, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyer explains how to do it.

Common Items Destroyed by Fire 

Any personal item can be destroyed by a house fire. Some of the most common types of damaged property include:Appliances

  • Furniture
  • Clothing
  • Electronics
  • Jewelry
  • Art
  • Sporting equipment
  • Golf clubs
  • Books

Create a List of All Damaged Property 

Of course, you can only know what property you need to value by first understanding everything you lost. Do not sift through the damaged section of your home if it is not safe. The fire department can tell you when it is safe to reenter. Create a list of all the damaged property and if property was completely destroyed, include any missing property.

Take Pictures of the Damaged Property 

You should take pictures of any damage so you can prove the extent of it to the insurance company. However, photos of damaged property can also help your lawyer and appraiser place a value on your personal belongings.

Collect Receipts and Invoices for Property 

If possible, collect receipts and invoices for damaged property to determine its value. The type of insurance policy you have will determine whether you will receive the actual value of property or its replacement value. The actual value of the property is its cost at the time of purchase, perhaps minus any depreciation. Replacement value will provide you with coverage for the cost of replacing the item today. Of course, obtaining receipts and invoices may not be possible if they were destroyed by the fire.

Contact an Independent Appraiser 

You may not always remember how much you paid for certain damaged items. A professional appraiser can help you determine the value of your property. Your insurance company may use their own appraiser to determine the value of the damage. However, these appraisers work for the insurance companies and protect the insurer’s best interests. You should always contact an independent appraiser who can provide an accurate valuation of your property.

Contact a Fire and Smoke Damage Lawyer in Daytona Beach 

Experiencing a house fire is one of the most devastating events you will ever go through. At Bundza & Rodriguez, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyer can help you value your personal belongings so you obtain the full coverage you are entitled to. Call or text us today at 386-252-5170 or chat with us online to schedule a free consultation with one of our skilled attorneys and to learn more about how we can help with your claim.


What Hidden Damages Does A Fire Cause? Thu, 27 Apr 2023 14:58:22 +0000 Read More »]]> Any fire will cause devastating losses and many of these are obvious. However, there are also often many hidden damages that are overlooked by insurance companies. These hidden damages are often not found during the quick initial survey taken of the damage, but that does not mean you do not have the right to include it in a property damage claim.

It is important to know what hidden damages to look for so you can not only obtain the full coverage you need, but also so you can avoid expensive health or structural concerns. Below, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyer outlines some of the most common hidden damages to look for.

Damage from Smoke and Soot 

Smoke contains particles of what has been burned and as it travels throughout a home or property, it leaves soot behind. Damage from smoke and soot can cause a number of health issues including skin damage, respiratory issues, heart attacks, eye damage, and cancer. For young children, inhaling smoke and soot can negatively impact their health for the rest of their lives.

When on surfaces, soot is fairly easy to clean, but it is still best to leave it to professionals when there are large quantities. Your homeowners insurance policy should cover the costs of hiring a professional to remove these dangerous substances. Soot is also sometimes airborne, which makes it even more dangerous. It is important to clean soot as soon as possible because the longer it stays, the harder it is to remove.

Water Damage 

Water is necessary to put out a fire as quickly as possible, but the damage it leaves behind is immense. Water damage can cause structural issues, electronic damage, and damage to important documents and personal items. This damage must be addressed as quickly as possible. If it is not, the water will only cause further damage and can even lead to mold.


Having mold in the home is always stressful but it can quickly grow out of control after a fire. Black mold in particular, is particularly harmful to the health of humans. Although cleaning up small amounts of mold on your own is likely not a great health concern, the damage is likely to be substantial after a fire. To avoid breathing in the spores and contracting further health problems, it is important to speak to a professional who can safely clean it for you.

Water Pipes 

Many people do not think that a fire will damage their water pipes, but this type of damage is common. A fire can melt water pipes made out of PVS and when some pipes leak, they can also release carbon monoxide and toxic gasses, which are both lethal. Check your pipes to look for damage and if you see any, shut the water off at the main valve and avoid using water until the damage has been evaluated.

Call Our Fire and Smoke Damage Lawyer in Daytona Beach for a Free Consultation 

If your home has been damaged by fire, you know just how devastating the aftermath is. At Bundza & Rodriguez, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyer can make this difficult time easier by dealing with the insurer on your behalf and making sure you receive the full coverage you are entitled to. Call us now at 386-252-5170 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.


Steps To Take After A House Fire Tue, 11 Apr 2023 02:58:29 +0000 Read More »]]> House fires are devastating events. In just a matter of minutes you can lose all of your belongings and everything you have worked so hard for. You may also be left without a home. Of course, the most important thing is that you and your family are kept safe during and after such a devastating event. After you have made sure that you and your family are safe, you can then think about filing an insurance claim to recover your losses. Below, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyer explains the steps to take to protect any future claim you file.

Document the Damage 

One of the most important ways to prove an insurance claim is to document the full extent of damage to your home. Take photographs of the damage if it is safe to do so, and create a list of items that were lost or damaged due to the fire. Also create a list of any repairs that must be done, and the cost of making those repairs.

For example, if you had an electrical fire you should document the entire cost of repairs including replacing parts in the HVAC water heaters or systems, as well as replacing outlets. Obtain quotes from contractors and other professionals who will make the repair work so you can ensure the costs are accurate.

Mitigate the Damage 

As with any insurance claim, you have a duty to mitigate the damage as much as possible. This is sometimes more difficult to do after a house fire because it is not always safe to enter the structure afterward. If it is not safe, do not try to enter your home. Instead, call the fire department and ask them to enter the structure and mitigate the damage for you. However, if you have been told by the fire department that it is safe, turn off the electricity and gas to prevent other areas from igniting. Also remove any flammable objects from the home.

Obtain a Copy of the Fire Report 

The fire department will respond to any house fire and afterward, a report will be filed. The insurance company, adjuster, and your own lawyer will need a copy of this report so it is important to obtain one. If the house fire occurred in Daytona Beach, you can request a copy of the fire report online from Volusia County. Even if you cannot obtain a copy of the fire report right away, it is important to make the request as soon as possible.

Our Fire and Smoke Damage Lawyer in Daytona Beach Can Help with Your Claim 

Knowing which steps to take after a house fire can be confusing. At Bundza & Rodriguez, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyer can advise on the next steps to take so you and your future insurance claim are protected. Call or text us now at 386-252-5170 or reach out to us online to schedule a free case evaluation and to learn more about how we can help.


Five Common Household Fire Hazards Thu, 02 Mar 2023 11:35:08 +0000 Read More »]]> House fires are devastating. It can take only minutes for an entire home to be devastated by a fire and even when parts of a home are saved, they may still sustain significant smoke damage. Unfortunately, there are many common household fire hazards that can destroy everything you have worked for. Below, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyer outlines what some of these are, and how you can avoid them.


Candles are one of the most obvious causes of house fires. People may place a candle too closely to a flammable object, or they may not properly extinguish candles before leaving them unattended. Always make sure candles are placed in an area free of drafts and that does not contain flammable items. After you have snuffed out the flame, replace the lid, which will extinguish any remaining spark or flame.

Dryer Lint

Dryer lint can quickly build up around the heating devices and motors installed in dryers. When this lint is not properly removed, it can easily catch fire that will then spread to other areas of the home. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, there are nearly 3,000 dryer fires every year that result in $35 million in property damage. Always make sure lint traps are entirely cleaned out after every load to prevent a lint fire.

Hair Appliances

Most households have some type of hair appliances such as curlers, straighteners, or hairdryers. It is very easy to forget to shut these appliances off or unplug them and that can easily lead to a house fire. Straighteners in particular, may be small but they typically heat up to approximately 400 degrees. Always turn these appliances off and allow them to cool down on a heat-proof mat.

Laptops and Electronic Devices

Laptops and other electronic devices have started many house fires. These devices can quickly overheat and if they are resting on pillows, blankets, or other bedding, the linen can catch fire. Many laptops today are built with an automatic shut-off feature, but it is still more important to be safe rather than sorry. Always move laptops and other devices to a desk or other surface where they can cool down safely.

Grills and Barbecues

Grilled food is delicious, but making it can be dangerous. Grilled food can cause unpredictable flames and sparks to fly around a home, awnings, and patio furniture. If a grill or barbecue is placed too close to a home, the flames may go higher than the food and could even cause siding and other parts of a home to catch fire. Always move your grill or barbecue away from the home and keep it clean at all times to prevent flare ups, which can contribute to a fire.

Our Fire and Smoke Damage Lawyers in Daytona Beach Can Help with Your Case

At Bundza & Rodriguez, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyers can help after the devastation of a house fire. Our skilled attorneys can negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to help ensure you receive the full coverage you deserve. Call us now at 386-252-5170 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help.


Things To Know Before Filing A Fire Damage Claim Tue, 14 Feb 2023 15:43:31 +0000 Read More »]]> House fires are devastating events. The fire and smoke will cause significant damage, but so too, will the water used to extinguish the fire. The structure of your home, as well as many of your personal items, will suffer serious damage that is very costly to fix. You can likely file a claim under your homeowners insurance policy, but this does not mean that obtaining compensation is easy. Filing an insurance claim is very frustrating, but you can make it easier by knowing a few important things first. Below, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyer explains further.

Tell the Insurance Company as Soon as Possible

After your property has been damaged by fire, notifying the insurance company may not be the first thing you think about. Still, it is critical that you tell your insurance company about the fire, and resulting damage, right away. Insurance companies are required by law to respond to any claim within 14 days of receiving it. They must also pay the claim in full within 90 days. The sooner you tell the insurance company about the damage, the sooner you will receive the coverage you need.

Understand the Full Extent of the Damage Before You File

Once you file your claim, the insurance company will try to offer a settlement that is not enough to fully cover the cost of damage. This is why it is so important to understand the full extent of the damage before you file. Only then will you understand whether a settlement offer is fair or not. Still, you should not sign any settlement offer until a fire and smoke damage lawyer in Daytona Beach has reviewed it and determined that it was fair.

You Must Prove Damage Occurred

You will need strong evidence that a fire occurred and that specific items were damaged. Write down everything that was lost in the fire and take pictures of the damaged items. Do not throw anything away, unless the item is perishable, until your claim has been resolved. You may need it to show the insurance company in the future if a certain item is called into question.

You Must Mitigate Damage

A fire will cause great damage to a home, but that damage can also open the door to more destruction. For example, if your roof caught fire and is now nonexistent or is filled with holes, the interior of your home will become damaged if there is rain the next day. You are required to mitigate the damage that happens to your home and if you do not, the insurer will not provide coverage for damage. Using the same roof example, you would be required to tarp the roof or board it up to prevent additional damage from occurring.

Call Our Fire and Smoke Damage Lawyers in Daytona Beach for a Free Consultation

If your home has been damaged by smoke and fire, having legal representation before you go up against the big insurance companies can help. At Bundza & Rodriguez, our Daytona Beach fire and smoke damage lawyers can provide the sound legal counsel you need and will help you obtain the fair coverage you deserve. Call us now at 386-252-5170 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

