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Daytona Beach Lawyers > Blog > Personal Injury > Driving In ‘No Zones’ a Leading Causes of Truck Accidents In Daytona

Driving In ‘No Zones’ a Leading Causes of Truck Accidents In Daytona


When sharing the road with semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, and other big rigs, it is important to keep safety precautions in mind. Truck accidents happen on a regular basis. Truck blind spots are one of the biggest hazards and knowing how to avoid them can help reduce your personal injury risks.

Know the Risks of Truck Accidents In Daytona

According to statistics from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), close to 40,000 people are injured each year in our state as a result of truck accidents. Considering our location and proximity to major truck routes, residents of Daytona Beach are at increased risk.

When you encounter a large truck on the road, it is important to acknowledge the challenges truck drivers typically face. Commercial trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. Between the massive weight and overall size of these vehicles, maneuvering them requires both additional time and space:

  • It takes longer for them to stop in response to traffic conditions;
  • They require additional room for making turns and navigating curves in the road;
  • They are more likely to suffer mechanical issues that can cause drivers to lose control of their rigs;
  • The height at which a trucker sits in the cab makes it more difficult to see obstacles and other drivers on the road.

What Are Trucking ‘No Zones’?

No zones are large blinds spots surrounding trucks, areas in which drivers should make every effort to avoid. Driving in a truck’s no zone significantly increases your risks of being involved in a truck accident, particularly if the driver switches lanes or has to come to a sudden stop. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), truck no zones are located in the following areas:

  • On the left side of the truck: Blind spots to the left stretch from mid-cab halfway through the length of the truck. As a general rule, if you cannot see the truck driver, they cannot see you.

  • On the right side of the truck: No zones extend even farther on the right side of a truck. They span the entire length from the cab to the trailer and extend over two entire lanes.

  • In front of the truck: No zones extend over 20 feet in front of the truck cab. If you are within this zone, the driver will not see you and may end up rear-ending you in traffic or when making other stops. Keep this in mind when passing trucks as well and avoid cutting them off.

  • In the back of the truck: Tailgating a truck is a bad idea, as no-zones extend 30 feet in the rear. Keeping your distance can also protect you against underside accidents, in which a vehicle strikes the back of a truck and goes completely under the trailer.

Reach Out to Us Today for Help

When truck accidents happen, Bundza & Rodriguez, P.A. help you get compensation in a claim. Call or contact our Daytona Beach trucking accident attorneys online and request a consultation today.




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