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Daytona Beach Child Custody & Child Support Lawyer

After a Dissolution of Marriage is complete and the final judgement is entered, you may find that the current orders are no longer suiting your needs, lifestyle or the needs and desires of your children.  Orders relating to child custody, child support, and spousal support may need to be modified in order to more accurately reflect your current situation, which may have changed significantly since the original judgement or subsequent orders were made.  Seeking to modify these orders can be difficult.  However, if you find yourself needing to seek a modification, the experienced Daytona Beach child custody & child support lawyers at Bundza & Rodriguez, P.A. can help you navigate these sometimes very complex areas .

At Bundza & Rodriguez, we help clients modify their child custody orders and parenting plans to increase their parenting time, protect their children from violent situations and assist clients with relocation cases.

  • Adjusting parenting plans – Parenting plans lay out how custody and visitation, or parenting time, is shared. When children begin spending more overnights with the non-custodial parent, it is often necessary to modify parenting plans.  Our attorneys can help parents update their parenting plans to reflect their current life.

  • Increasing parenting time – As time goes on, parents may wish to increase their parenting time. In these cases, a custody modification is necessary.  We work to help clients show how increased parenting time is in the best interests of the children, and gain the increased custody and visitation time our clients need to build bonds with their children.

  • Restriction orders – When situations turn violent, minor children’s physical, mental and emotional safety may be in danger. In these circumstances, we work with parents to seek emergency restriction orders that limit the time children spend with their other parent and protect children from harm.  Our attorneys will also help parents who have been wrongfully accused of endangering their children and protect their parenting time.

  • Relocation – Job opportunities and family commitments may make it necessary to relocate. When custodial parents wish to relocate, there is a strict process that must be followed before moving away with minor children.  If custodial parents wish to move outside the geographic restrictions in the custody orders, they must first seek permission from the court.  The judge must decide whether the child maintaining current relationships with both parents is more important than the potential benefits of moving.  If visitation will allow the child to maintain a relationship with the noncustodial parent, the judge may approve the relocation.  The custodial parent’s reason for moving is also considered by the judge.  Our attorneys will help parents obtain permission to relocate as well as help parents prevent their child’s relocation.

To modify custody or child support agreements, there must be a substantial change in circumstances such as a job loss, serious illness or injury, or concerns.  You may also want to modify child support if the amount of time you spend with the child changes significantly.  Additionally, you may file a motion to modify child support if you believe you are paying too much or receiving too little.  However, it is best to discuss the modification with a lawyer before filing a motion. The modification could result in paying more or receiving less.  The counsel of an experienced attorney can prevent such an error.

Contact Experienced Daytona Beach Child Custody & Child Support Lawyers

At Bundza & Rodriguez, P.A., our family law practice can ensure that your child or children will always be protected during the custody process.  We always look out for what is in the best interest of the child.  We will also ensure that your spouse does not infringe upon your rights when custody arrangements and visitation rights are determined, either through amicable solutions or in family court.

Whether you are seeking a modification or would like help defending against a modification request, our Daytona Beach child custody / support / modifications lawyers are here to assist you.  Contact our office today at 866-785-5470 for a free legal consultation.

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