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June is National Safety Month


The National Safety Council has named the month of June as National Safety Month, a timely reminder that accidents injure and claim the lives of too many people each year. According to statistics kept by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), about 146,000 unintentional injury deaths occurred each year. To improve safety, follow the tips below.

Reduce Traffic Accidents with Defensive Driving

Florida has its share of traffic accidents—by last count, about 395,785 in 2016 alone, which works out to a little over 1,000 collisions a day. Of these accidents, 3,176 people died and another 254,155 suffered injuries. Unfortunately, these rates do not appear to be declining. You can reduce accidents by following these driving tips:

  • Increase situational awareness by looking ahead. You can avoid traffic accidents only if you see them. And the sooner you see them, the more time you have to react. Look 15 or more seconds ahead as you are driving.

  • Follow at least four seconds behind. This will give you enough time to brake if the car in front suddenly stops. In poor weather, give yourself additional space.

  • Remember to “stay on your toes.” Don’t assume other drivers will follow the rules. One might swerve in front of you or make a sudden turn. By being mentally prepared, you can respond quickly.

You should also continue the fight against drunk driving. According to state statistics, 461 people were killed in alcohol-confirmed crashes in 2016. To reduce drunk driving, volunteer to be a designated driver if you go out partying with friends. Also call the police as soon as possible if you suspect a driver is intoxicated or high.

Fight Drug Overdoses

Accidental drug overdoses lead the way in accidental deaths, accounting for over 64,000 fatalities. The opioid crisis has been in the national news lately and is a veritable national health crisis. You can do your part to reduce opioid and other overdoses:

  • Ask your doctor to prescribe a non-opioid painkiller after an accident or injury. The fewer opioids prescribed, the fewer people who can become addicted.

  • Safely dispose of opioids so that addicts don’t find them and then overdose. Visit a local disposal location.

  • Increase the visibility of addiction services in your community. Work with churches and other community organizations to increase awareness, such as by creating a website for locals to access available services.

Make Your Home Safer

Too many people are injured in the home, either by defective furniture or by slipping and falling. To increase the safety of your home, you should check the latest product recalls available at www.Recalls.gov. Immediately stop using any recalled product and call for information about getting a refund or having the product repaired. Also go around the home and check for loose floorboards or rickety steps. Repair dangerous hazards as soon as possible.

Have You Been Injured in an Accident? Reach out to Bundza & Rodriguez

Regardless of how careful you try to be, accidents can still happen. If someone else is to blame, you should meet with a personal injury attorney in Daytona Beach as soon as possible. At Bundza & Rodriguez, we offer potential clients a free consultation to discuss the circumstances surrounding your accident. Call 386-252-5170 today.






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