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Burn Injury Awareness Week Calls Attention To Common Type Of Personal Injury


Burns are one of the most common, painful, and potentially serious types of personal injuries. They can happen due a variety of different accidents and even in relatively minor cases, permanent scarring and impairments can occur as a result. Each year during the month of February, Burn Awareness Week calls attention to these injuries and the common causes.

Common Types and Causes Of Burn Injuries

The American Burn Injury Association sponsors Burn Injury Awareness week as a way to educate the public about the ways in which burns can happen. Among the most common types and causes of burn injuries include:

  • Chemical burns: These are caused by contact with harsh chemicals and toxic substances, such as cleaning agents, insecticides, or gasoline. They happen frequently in car accidents, on the job, and in public places due to the negligence of property owners.
  • Contact burns: These are burns that occur as a result of direct contact with hot objects, such as flames or hot fluids and surfaces. They are common in car, bike, and pedestrian accidents, at restaurants or fast food places, and due to fire hazards at hotels, offices, and public events.
  • Electrical burns: These can happen due to loose wiring and exposed sockets. They can happen in office buildings, in other’s homes, and due to defective or damaged products.
  • Inhalation burns: These happen due to breathing in hot or hazardous substances. They are common on the job, in car and truck accidents, or in any public place.

How Serious Are Burn Injuries?

According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), burn injuries claim the lives of more than 20 people each day in the U.S. Any time a burn injury happens as the result of an accident, there is the potential for it to be severe. To protect your health, as well as your rights in a personal injury claim, it is important to seek medical care immediately. Burn injuries are generally categorized by the degree of severity:

  • First degree burns: These generally affect the surface of the skin, resulting in redness, pain, and swelling;
  • Second degree burns: These penetrate under the skin, resulting in a deep red appearance, more severe pain, and blisters, as well as potentially dangerous infections.
  • Third degree burns: These are the most serious types of burns and penetrate deeply, potentially impacting body organs and systems. The affected area often has a black or chalky white and leathery appearance and the skin itself may have been burned off. When third degree burns cover large areas of the body, they can be life-threatening.

Reach Out to Us Today for Help

When burn injuries happen due to the reckless and negligent actions of others, Bundza & Rodriguez, P.A. help you get the compensation you need to recover through a personal injury claim. Call or contact our Daytona Beach burn injury attorneys online to request a consultation today.





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