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Is Hail Damage Covered By Insurance?


Hail storms are not as common as tropical events and thunderstorms in Florida, but they do happen. Hail storms are often unexpected and when they occur, they can cause extensive damage to homes and other structures. Windows may break, siding can become cracked and torn, or roofs can become damaged. The severity of the damage will depend on the amount of rain and wind that accompanied the storm, as well as the size of the hail.

After any storm, it is important that you quickly assess the damage so you can prepare to file an insurance claim. Before, our Daytona Beach hail damage lawyer explains what you need to know when filing a claim.

Does Insurance Cover Hail Damage?

If your home has sustained damage from a hail storm, the good news is that your insurance policy will likely provide coverage for it. However, just as with any other type of claim, the insurance company will not want to pay you the full coverage you are entitled to. Insurance companies are notorious for denying, delaying, and reducing claims. Working with a Daytona Beach hail damage lawyer can help ensure you receive the full coverage you need, and that you receive it in a timely manner.

How Do Insurers Deny Hail Damage Claims?

Insurance companies will try many tactics to deny a hail damage claim. One of the most common strategies they use is to claim that the damage was not caused by the hail storm but rather, your own negligence. For example, they may claim that your roof was old and needed replacing before the storm hit. Or, they may say that you failed to make repairs to a window and if you had, it would have not become damaged. A hail damage lawyer can challenge the arguments the insurance company makes so you receive the full coverage you deserve.

Steps to Take Before Filing a Hail Damage Claim

Due to the relative infrequency of hail storms in Florida, you may not know what to do immediately afterwards. Before filing a claim, the important steps you should take are as follows:

  • Take pictures of the damage immediately after the storm, as well as any hail stones still on the ground. This can prove that there was a storm and that your property was damaged as a result.
  • You must make temporary repairs, such as boarding up windows or placing a tarp on a damaged roof, to prevent damage from becoming worse. If you do not, the insurance company will use it to deny your claim.
  • Call a lawyer before contacting the insurance company to make sure your rights are protected from the very beginning.
  • Contact contractors who can provide you with a quote for a repair or replacement. The insurance adjuster will provide you with a quote but obtaining some from other companies can provide you with an idea of how much repairs will actually cost.

Call Our Hail Damage Lawyers in Daytona Beach Now

If your property has been damaged, our Daytona Beach hail damage lawyers at Bundza & Rodriguez can assist with your case. Call us now at 386-252-5170 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help.



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