Why Is It Important To Draft A Letter Of Instruction?

There are many important estate planning documents, such as a will or trust, that allow you to plan for your future, as well as the future of your loved ones. After you pass away, your family will have to make difficult decisions and estate planning documents can provide guidance during a very difficult time for them. Once you have drafted essential estate planning documents, a letter of instruction is also very useful for your loved ones. Below, our Daytona Beach estate planning lawyer outlines what to include in this letter, and other important things to consider.
What is a Letter of Instruction?
A letter of instruction is just what it sounds like. It is a letter to your loved ones and anyone involved in settling your estate outlining how you would like important matters to be handled. Letters of instruction do not have any legal authority, as wills and trusts do. However, they can be very helpful as your family goes through a difficult time and can help them avoid making difficult decisions. A letter of instruction also allows you to include instructions not contained in your will, such as funeral instructions.
What to Include in a Letter of Instruction
A letter of instruction can include many details that are very helpful to surviving loved ones. These include:
- The location of important estate planning documents, such as your will or trust,
- An inventory of your assets for your spouse, as well as how they are used,
- A listing of names, addresses, and contact information for your family members, friends, accountant, attorney, broker, and banks,
- As many details you can provide about financial accounts, CDs, safety deposit boxes, business affairs, and important contracts,
- A list of life insurance policies and company pension benefits, as well as any contact information pertaining to these,
- The location of important family documents such as a divorce decree, separation agreement, birth certificates, and adoption papers,
- A list of debt including loans and credit cards so they can be changed or canceled immediately, and
- A list of beneficiaries, as well as their addresses and contact information.
You can give your family members copies of your letter of instruction during your lifetime. If you believe this will only create conflict, such as if you named a beneficiary you know another family member will disagree with, leave a letter of instruction with your executor or personal representative.
Our Estate Planning Lawyer in Daytona Beach Can Prepare All of Your Important Documents
Creating an estate plan can become complicated, and there are many important documents to draft. It is for this reason you should always work with a Daytona Beach estate planning lawyer. At Bundza & Rodriguez, our experienced attorneys can draft all of your important documents, including a letter of instruction, will, trust, or anything else that is relevant to your case. Call us now at 386-252-5170 or contact us online to request a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys and to learn more about how we can help.