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Does Your Family Have a Disaster Plan?


Disaster readiness is essential in a place like Florida, because of the extreme weather we experience. Not only hurricanes but tornadoes can also touch down, wreaking havoc. To protect yourself and your family, draft a family disaster plan right away.

At Bundza & Rodriguez, our Daytona Beach property damage attorneys are here if your home suffers damage and you need assistance getting an insurance claim paid. Below, we highlight the key parts of any disaster plan.

Identify Two Places to Meet

In an emergency, you want your family to be together. You need to identify two places where everyone should go in the event of a hurricane or other disaster. One popular option is the home. However, if you or your children are away, you’ll need another location. It could be the school, post office, or other town landmark.

Choose How to Communicate

Most people have cell phones now, and you can easily call each other. If your children do not yet have cell phones, this might be a good reason to get them one. If anyone gets separated during a disaster, they can call each other.

Pick Escape Routes from the House

Home isn’t always your place of safety. If you need to evacuate the home, there should be a couple escape routes that everyone is aware of. Walk through the home and identify them for your children.

Post Emergency Phone Numbers in Helpful Places

You can post them right by the phone in your kitchen or den. Everyone with cell pones should enter emergency contact numbers into their phone address books so that they are easily accessible.

Plan What to Do with Your Pets

Taking care of your pets can be difficult in the middle of an emergency. For one thing, not every shelter takes pets, so you can’t count on hauling your animals along with you when you evacuate your home.

Ahead of time, identify places where you can take your pets so they are safe. For example, you might have a family friend you can take them to when you know that a disaster is coming. If necessary, your animals might need to stay in your vehicle, but you can stockpile supplies that they will need, like a litter box and food or treats.

Stock Up on Food and Water

You should have several days’ worth and keep them in a water-proof container. Remember to replace the food and water every 6 months or so.

Learn Basic First Aid

Everyone in the family should learn basic first aid, such as how to clean a wound and apply a bandage properly. Older children and adults could learn how to perform CPR, which could come in handy in an emergency.

Bundza & Rodriguez Cares about the Daytona Beach Community

The hurricane season for 2019 might be winding to a close, but the 2020 season will soon be upon us. At our law firm, we help our clients get the money they need when disaster strikes. To speak with one of our attorneys for free, please call 386-252-5170.


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