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Prostitution Sting Nabs 4 Men in Daytona Beach


The solicitation of prostitution is a serious crime in Florida, and one that can guarantee embarrassing press coverage for those caught in the act. The Daytona Beach News-Journal recently reported on a sting where four men solicited sex from an undercover cop—and ended up having their mug shots splashed across the Internet.

A Busy Night

Each of the men arrested approached an undercover cop on the North Atlantic Avenue beach on September 14, 2018, offering either money or drugs for oral sex. The men were quickly apprehended and charged with solicitation of prostitution.

Even worse, those who offered drugs also were charged with drug offenses, which can only cause them to do more time for the crime. For example, one man was arrested with heroin, needles, and a glass pipe in his possession.

Public Embarrassment

If convicted of solicitation of prostitution, the men could face serious penalties. Under Florida Statute § 796.07, a first conviction is a second-degree misdemeanor, and can land you in jail for up to 60 days, along with a $500 fine.

If a person is arrested again, he will face a first-degree misdemeanor, which carries as penalties up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

A third or subsequent arrest for solicitation is a third-degree felony. This crime carries up to 5 years in jail and a $5,000 fine.

However, the greatest punishment might be the embarrassment the men face having their identities so publicly exposed. Stories about prostitution stings are great fodder for newspapers in this area. Another bust back in May made news headlines for nabbing 15 women working as prostitutes and one man who tried to solicit prostitution at the same time the cops were organizing the bust. Another sting in 2017 arrested four women and the eight men who were trying to solicit their services.

Hire an Attorney Immediately

If you have been accused of soliciting prostitutes, then you should begin building your defense as soon as possible. Although a lawyer cannot keep your face out of the newspaper, he might be able to get your charges reduced or dismissed.

The key will be reviewing the circumstances of the arrest and what you said to the undercover cop before and after. Depending on the circumstances, it is possible to beat the charge, especially if the police do not have sufficient evidence of your intent.

Speak to a Daytona Beach Prostitution Attorney

After an arrest, you might be feeling embarrassed and worried about your future. If you are arrested while currently on probation, then it is very possible you will be sent to jail. What you need during this difficult time is an experienced attorney by your side to help fight back against the charges.

At Bundza & Rodriguez in Daytona Beach, we represent clients accused of soliciting prostitution. If you hire us, you will be getting experienced advocates who are prepared to find weaknesses in the case against you and seek the most favorable resolution possible.

Call today—386-252-5170. You have no reason to delay.





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